Welcome to APMIT Teacher's Education Center, Allahabad
Phone : 05335 - 281221, Mobile : 9506589000 , 7309540000
Fax : 91-5335-2281307 , Email: btc@apmit.in


Rules & Regulations

As a core part of the training programme, not only to bind the students or student teachers within the campus of this premire institution but to induce them to obey and follow the value and standard of discipline in their real life of the open society, certain mandatory code of conduct has been framed. These are to be followed meticulously so that they can be transformed into an ideal citizen with strong determination, idealistic philosophy and perfect knowledge towards growing adaptive values for the hard days ahead and truly can build a nation of sustainable character 

1. Under the regulations of the West Bengal State University every student mustbe regular in attending classes punctually. Students attending atleast 80% classes will be treated as �Collegiate� and below that will be treated Non collegiate. Non Collegiate students will have to pay fine, and may not even be allowed for appearing at the examination.

2. Attendance in all college examinations is compulsory for all. In absence, penalty will be imposed. A medical certificate is to be produced for three consecutive days of absence due to illness.

3. Internal assessment marks as per NCTE and APMIT Teacher's Educaton Center Regulation will be awarded to the students on the basis of their performance throughout the year on the following considerations.

a) marks in house test;

b) attendance;

c) performance in teaching practice;

d) discipline manner, etiquette, politeness, obedience and sincerity;

e) participation in co-curricular activities, organizational ability, performance in college function, sports meet, EDUFEST etc.;
f) punctuality, wearing proper dress;

g) 5% marks will be awarded extra to best three students on the basis of their extra ordinary performance to be decided by an expert committee of the college.

4. Any sort of malpractice in the college or university examination by the examinee will seriously be dealt with even with expulsion from the hall and may lead to other disciplinary actions.

5. College management can rusticate /suspend any student for doing indisciplinary action. 

6. Shouting or unnecessary loitering within the college campus in strictly prohibited.

7. Smoking, chewing of any tobacco product, consumption of any intoxicating substance even chewing gum, spitting in the wall or making such any nuisance is punishable, may even lead to expulsion from the college.

8. Students misbehaving with other students particularly with girls, disobeying or dishonouring any teaching or non-teaching staff or any staff of the college, will be punished.

9. Ragging and sexual harassment in any form is strictly prohibited. Appropriate measures would be taken for any such unpleasant indulgence from any corner.

10. Use of odd looking cosmetics is prohibited. Use of lipsticks, perfumes, nail polish etc. are not at all accepted.

11. Dress Code is mandatory for all. Without prescribed dress, properly groomed hair, clean and well trimmed nails, polished shoes students will not be allowed to attain the classes.

12. No student will be allowed to enter into the class after five minutes of the commencement of the same.

13. Use of 'Identity card' of all students is compulsory during college hours.

14. Students are liable to security checks on entry and exit from the college campus. Nobody will be allowed to leave the campus earlier without written permission of the management.

15. No friend, co-visitor, relative or any outsider along with of the student will be allowed inside the class room or in the lab.

16. Car parking properly to be done in the restricted parking place.

17. In no way the college will be held responsible for loss of any belonging of the student inside the campus, everything must be kept in his or her own custody.

18. Property of the college must be handled with due care by everybody. Any damage caused by the students will have to be reimbursed from the caution money of the accused one.

19. Meeting with the Principal without permission is not allowed.

20. Attendance of the students in the seminar, tutorial class, educational excursion, community out reach, exhibition, different celebration and observance is mandatory.

21. All these rules and regulations are equally applied for all trainees of this institution and come in effect with the inception of the academic calendar.

22. Any decision taken by the authority is binding to all. For any legal dispute the jurisdiction will be at High Court, Kolkata.

23. College authority reserves the right to expell any student from the institution in violation of norms deemed to be punishable without assigning any reason there of.

24. Discontinuance of the studentship would be imposed on serious grounds.

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