Classes are well lit, airy and well ventilated to provide a healthy environment for effective interaction between teacher and students. Modern teaching aids like LCD Projector are used for conducting the lectures.
We have an excellent collection of about more than 3500 reference books related to study units mentioned in course modules. The Library of the institute provides the students a rich selection of secondary & Elementary. Education books and subscribed numerous journals and periodicals, newspapers and Educational magazines.
Every year, Institute updates its collection of books, Computer and Management Magazines, Periodicals and other reading materials (i.e. reviews, papers, latest topics of Interest and News papers).
This not only facilitates students personal development but also helps them in their research and project development.
The institute has the state-of-art Computer Laboratory equipment with latest computers to meet both present and future need of the industry. A full fledged Computer Lab with Pentium-IV, terminals, establish to enable students to learn and apply in their workouts. The lab is also equipped with Internet facility and all the latest software for students to get in touch with latest information technology and its current trends. The Lab is equipped with DMP and Inkjet Printers.
Training in computer application is compulsory for all the students of our institute and the students are encouraged to utilize the facility round the clock.
Students also participate in camps, hikes, sports seminars & workshops organized by the University. Selected students participate in sports events conducted up to the district level.
The institute provide the facility for the sports like Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton, kabaddi, Kho-Kho etc.